Health & Wellness

health and wellness

Summer Heat Safety

Super EASY Health Hacks for Work

Super EASY Health Hacks for Work Another great way to refresh your WORK routine: take it to your favorite local spot. I find doing this really sparks creativity. Seattle,WA. Make hydration happen. Do this by making benchmarks for H2O consumption. Carry a BPA free water container.

Reducing Inflammation with Nutrients.

Reducing Inflammation with Nutrients. We have all experienced those minor aches and pains. That sluggish, not ourselves blah. Do you know one of the primary causes for this? Inflammation. LONG STORY SHORT Inflammation is a vital part of the body's immune response.

Avo-Edamame Hummus.

Avo-Edamame Hummus. Protein packed and delicious. This is something I make to go right along with my mediterranean style spread. Falafel, pita, stuffed grape leaves, and this finisher.

Detox Water: Does it work? Find out here!

Detox water or INFUSED water: Does it WORK? With all of the pretty pictures on IG, its hard not to want to jump on the detox water or also called infused water train. These are combinations of fruit and vegetable infused water. Really simple and quite sleek BUT do they serve a purpose for you health?