Health & Wellness

How to increase your HAPPY.

How to increase your HAPPY.

How to increase your happy. 

Sometimes we just need a mood makeover. It can be you wake up super happy and then for some reason in the time it takes to roll out of bed and downstairs to make your coffee.. something shifts. Whether it’s blah, anger, frustration, or just plan sad, research shows it can take just as short of time to go from feeling glum to feeling good again.

Here are some of the simplest, most effective ways I get back on track to happy! 

But first.. the mushy. Hug to happy. 

Stimulating your touch receptors whether its through a hug from someone you care about or simply that little squeeze on your shoulder or pat on the small of your back that will automatically release all the feel-good brain chemicals called oxytocin. Even simultaneously decreasing the stress hormones in your body. That simple stimulation will give you these physical benefits plus the emotional support that comes from feeling connected to someone you care about. Research shows that the optimal time necessary to really utilize the power of a hug is about six seconds.

Walk to happy. 

The best part about trying this on your own is that you will get the same boost in mood whether its just a walk around your neighborhood, down your road, or if you head out for a hike in the woods. Sometimes our normal surrounding, like the home or office, can lead to stagnant thoughts and frustrations. When they start, set out on a brisk walk to clear the negative thoughts right up. There is also something to be said for seeing nature, the birds, flowers, trees. Nature truly has a positive impact on mood. It’s doesn’t hurt either that this comes with a little sunshine too. Check out my previous post on sunshine and mood! 

Dress to happy. 

There is something to be said about “dress to impress.” One way I feel good fast is to throw on something that makes me feel good.  Many women reach for a favorite dress or outfit for that instant perk. Feeling put together and attractive is an insanely effective boost of mood. 

Smile to happy. 

Even if it is fake, the actual ACT of smiling can improve your mood. Our brains are hardwired to associate the smile muscle activation with actual happiness. One research study has shown that when you physically turn up the corners of your mouth, prompting a smile, your brain’s physiology will actually change. Smile that bad mood away.

Listen to happy. 

I think anyone knows the power music can have on your mood. Why not listen your way tohappy in under a minute with some positive, uplifting tunes. To be most effective you can crank up the volume and focus on becoming happy by telling yourself that _______ certain song will be your jam to happiness. All you then have to do it to let the tunes take over.

Other small ways I uplift my mood including: doing something good for someone else. Help yourself to happy by helping someone else. This can be small random acts of kindness throughout your day. Socializing is also very effective. Pause your overwhelming busy schedule a moment to catch up with an old friend, see how a coworker is doing, reach out to family. Break out of that bad mood by chatting it up with a stranger, you might be someone else’s way to happy.