Author: Sarah Davis

From the Kitchen

Summertime Turmeric Tea

Health & Wellness

Meal Planning, Is it for you?

Meal Planning, Is it for you? One of the keys to a successful week for me is in the meal planning, especially for my health. The perks of a meal plan: increasing your kitchen sanity by organizing your meals for the week to aid in helping keep the budget in check allowing you to plan to eat healthy, balanced meal.
Health & Wellness

How SODA is destroying YOUR body.

How SODA is destroying YOUR body. Numerous research studies have shown the terrible health effects of drinking soda on our waistline and teeth. However, it has far more detrimental health risks than many of us care to realize. Regular consumption of sugary drinks is linked to health problems including diabetes.
Health & Wellness

YOUR Guide to Good Posture

YOUR Guide to Good Posture Your Guide to Good Posture: Posture is more than just being confident and poised. Sitting or standing in the right position makes sure the body functions properly. Why bad posture is BAD? Bad circulation: slouching or slumping does the same to your spine and can affect circulation.