Health & Wellness

FIVE things you MUST remember in a healthy body-food relationship.

FIVE things you MUST remember in a healthy body-food relationship.

You are NOT flawed.

The problem lies mainly in the environment we currently live in as consumers and it makes it even harder because we are hard-wired to enjoy pleasurable experiences (LIKE EATING). The more calorically dense food is the more pleasure we feel and the more dopamine is released. It is almost an addiction like cycle. 

Our brain and stomach work together to assess the “calorie currency.” This is most accurate when we consume whole food, plant based foods. Unfortunately, with consumerism and real life money making companies.. most processed food products are far from that. 

Each decision you make consistently and persistently will affect your health. Though it may seem small and not always worth it.. muster up the confidence and grit to say no to the crap food. The processed, refined, only gives you two seconds of a pleasure buzz and say YES to something that may take a little longer but can be even more tasty and made from the whole food variety. Have you even checked out my recipe section? There are some HELL to the yes options that won’t leave you feeling flawed or guilty.

Be kind to yourself. The most important of all.