Health & Wellness

How SODA is destroying YOUR body.

How SODA is destroying YOUR body.

Numerous research studies have shown the terrible health effects of drinking soda on our  waistline and teeth. However, it has far more detrimental health risks than many of us care to realize. Regular consumption of sugary drinks is linked to health problems including diabetes, heart disease, asthma, COPD and obesity.

Check out some sobering facts that will have you rethinking your soda habit. 

How SODA is destroying your body. 

Accelerated aging: phosphates and phosphoric acid increases the shelf life of sodas BUT they shorten your longevity and are linked to accelerated aging. 

Tooth sensitivity: Again, phosphoric acid and citric acids alter pH balance in the mouth and lead to permanent enamel erosion. 

Metabolic Syndrome: Drinking just one soda a day increases your risk for diabetes by almost 70%

Skin rashes: Some sodas contain BVO, a flame retardant which is linked to rashes and nerve disorders. 

Breast Cancer: BPA coating in soda cans disrupt hormones and promote breast cancer. 

Cardiovascular disease: A soda a day will increase triglycerides which hardens your arteries.

High blood pressure: Each soda will increase your systolic blood pressure (the top number) by 1.1 mmHG and the diastolic (the lower number) 0.4 mmHg. JUST ONE. 

Kidney stones: Drinking one or more sodas a day will increase kidney stone risk by 35%

Endometrial cancer: post menopausal women that consume soda daily will increase this risk by 80%

Prostate cancer: Men that drink one day a day will increase their risk for an AGGRESSIVE prostate cancer by 40%