Health & Wellness

Self Care September Day One: Sleep Right, Sleep Tight.

Self Care September Day One: Sleep Right, Sleep Tight.

Sleep is so important for our overall wellbeing. It has a huge impact on our abilities to function throughout the day, creativity, productivity, and even our interpersonal relationships. Let’s start this Self Care September out RIGHT by being well rested. Challenge #1 is to sleep right. Incorporate some of these strategies tonight so that you can tackle tomorrow! 

1. Control your space.

Sleeping 60-68 degrees and getting rid of artificial light is optimal for the very best sleep. Artificial light can prevent you from falling asleep and make it more difficult to fall back asleep if you do wake up. Noise can also affect your sleep cycle stages. Make sure you try to make your sleep space cool, dark, and quiet. 

2. Have a sleep schedule.

Going to bed and waking up close the the same time every day can assist in maintaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle. 

3. Improve your diet. 

Sleep deprivation has been linked to fatty foods, simple carbs, and sweets. Clean it up to sleep better by increasing the amount of whole food, plant based foods. Not only will you feel better and have more energy during the day, you will also find that you will sleep more restfully. 

4. Meditate.

Mindfully meditating can improve sleep quality and reduce the rout of insomnia symptoms. 

5. Limit caffiene.

Caffeine 5-6 hours bedtime can have disruptive effects on your sleep cycle and ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try to sip earlier in the day to limits its effects. 

6. Exercise.

Morning exercise will not only jumpstart your day BUT it will also allow you to fall asleep more effectively and improve the overall quality of sleep. It’s important to remember that as much as your body needs its rest.. it needs to MOVE as well during the day for your health.

7. Bed is for sleep only. 

Keep your sleep space for sleep related activities.. this just mean no TV, no work, etc. It’s a place for rest and relaxation. 

8. Aromatherapy.

Essential oils utilize specially formulated extracts from plants, herbs, roots etc. Certain ones can improve sleep greatly. 


Blue light from our phones and other devices can suppress melatonin and shift our circadian rhythms. It is incredibly detrimental to our sleep cycles and quality of sleep. 

10. Avoid the alcohol.

While alcohol, a depressant, can help you fall asleep faster, it contributes to poor quality sleep later. It even decreases the effectiveness of REM sleep cycle.