Health & Wellness

Healthy Travel Tips.

This was supposed to be a “Travel Favorites” BUT with all of my traveling and especially recently on the whim jet setting, I have accrued some tried and true things to travel healthy and travel with ease and just couldn’t help myself. Try a few of these simple tips below. 

First and foremost: SMILE. 

Flying is super stressful and although it is the very last thing you want to do. Do it. It will change your entire mindset, whether on your way back from or on your way to an exciting vacation. Smile. 

Move it. 

Travel can be pretty sedentary. You might be running or walking in between flights but its the sedentary time that will cause circulation issues. Keeping blood pumping during a long trip by stretching and/or walking up and down the aisle to avoid DVT aka blood clot in your lower extremities. This is far more common with travelers than you may think. Believe me.. you won’t be the crazy looking passenger if you need to literally walk it out and stretch it out.

Eat well to feel well. Eat well to travel well. 

You would be surprised at how many plant based, healthy options airports are offering now. However, before you set sail, be sure and fuel up with a hearty breakfast and plenty of water for hydration. One of the things I love to do is to bring my own recyclable bag filled with rice cakes and almond butter, bananas,  and apples. I even tuck my favorite plant based protein powder to mix in my water bottle for added hunger relief on the go. For a great bring along treat, my energy bites found in the “from the kitchen page” does an amazing job keeping me going.  

Stay hydrated

I have briefly touched on this in the eat well to feel well BUT you will notice a huge difference in feeling better when traveling if you are hydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of water before you arrive at the airport. Bringing your own refillable, BPA free water bottle will not only keep you hydrated but it will help your budget as well! Airport water bottles can be costly. Choose to limit coffee, alcohol or even tea as these can all cause even more to dehydration.

Protect your immune system

Wash. Wash. Wash your hands. Hand hygiene is one of the best ways to protect your health and immunity. I don’t think I need to explain this any further. 

Relax as you can. 

You might see massage options in the terminal that might not be in your time frame or budget SO even if you take 5 minutes to meditate before the flight takes off. Just remember to relax as you can. Tension is a terrible thing. 

Listen to music

Music is a powerful tool. It can shift consciousness and change the brain chemical activity allowing sometimes for elevated mood. Take advantage of headphones to drown out the hustle and bustle of travel. 

Beat the jet lag. 

While in some cases, jet lack is not preventable, you can try to stay close to your normal routine to decrease it detrimental effects. Effective sleep, relaxation, eating well, and staying hydrated will do the most good in this area. 

Wear or bring layers. 

One of my grandmothers most used advice.. make sure to pack a light sweater, light scarf and some socks. If your neck, shoulders and feet are warm, you should be pretty comfortable. Either layer up in your outfit or toss them in your carry on bag.. bring layers.