Health & Wellness

B Complex, not so complicated. Quick and easy facts.

B Complex, not so complicated. Quick and easy facts.Vitamin B consists of eight different vitamins. This is very unique to other vitamins.

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“B vitamins are one of our body’s most important needs for energy, brain focus, and a healthy nervous system. They are found in our food supply, but originate from the soil. Due to the farming practices today, careful caution should be observed to get the best sources into our daily diets. A diet rich in B vitamins will produce a healthy body that is energetic, mental focus, a positive mood, and a healthy gut.”

Each B vitamin plays an important role in the body. When combined together, they are referred to as vitamin B complex and offer a comprehensive formula for health and wellness

  • B1: Daily requirement: 1.1 mg, aids in appetite regulation and boost energy. 
  • B2: Daily requirement: 1.4mg, promotes healthy vision and skin. Aids in the production of red blood cells.
  • B3: Daily requirement: 16mg, necessary for healthy skin and muscle tissue. Promotes mental acuteness.
  • B5: Daily requirement: 6mg, aids in food metabolism and regulates the nervous system.
  • B6: Daily requirement: 1.4 mg,assist in serotonin production
  • B7: Daily requirement: 50 mcg,contributes to healthy nails, skin, and hair
  • B9: Daily requirement: 200 mcg, produces red blood cells and normalizes gestation in pregnancy
  • B12: Daily requirement: 2.5 mg, boosts energy and promotes emotional stability 
  • Too much or an overdose of B vitamins can lead to heart and liver complications, and high doses of vitamin B3, or niacin, can cause vision problems, nausea and vomiting and worsening of stomach ulcers

    What happens when you’re deficient? B vitamin deficiency present as: anemia, fatigue, depression, constipation, poor digestion, heart problems, confusion, poor memory and concentration, poor skin, hair and nails, irregular heartbeat, moodiness, lack of appetite, and anxiety.