Health & Wellness

Meditation and easy ways to incorporate into everyday life.

Meditation and easy ways to incorporate into everyday life.

It’s cold, rainy, dreary… did I mention rainy here in Seattle? Sometimes it is very difficult during this time of the year to feel 100% with everything that is going on with the holidays. Meditation has been super effective for me to keep my sanity and to stay grounded. Why?

Not all just fluff, the actual science matters. 

Stress. First, we probably have all heard this at some point in our lives but tried and true mediation will lower stress. 

Focus. Being able to focus is one effective tool in generating productivity. When you’re busy it can be frustrating to have our mind stray off what we’re doing and constantly be pulled in twelve different directions. Meditation increases ability to focus and decreases what I have heard called “brain chatter.” All the senseless or sometimes negative conversations we have going inside our heads. 

Connectivity with yourself and others for wellness. Being aware of yourself through meditation and mindfulness helps you give them your full attention to others and yourself. Gain an understanding of your burden whether its a physical pain or mental/psychosocial pain.  We all have our baggage but our baggage and past doesn’t have to own us. Mediation and being mindful of these things can help you redirect your relationship with this and allow you to move forward healthfully.


Get comfy. Find a spot that gives you a stable, solid, comfortable seat.

Notice what your legs are doing. If on a cushion, cross your legs comfortably in front of you. If on a chair, rest the bottoms of your feet on the floor.

Posture. Realign your upper body but don’t become rigid. Relax and realign your spine.

Find your head.. literally. Drop your chin to a neutral position and allow your eyes to focus loosely downward. This is that moment in class when you’re fading in attention about to fall asleep. Simply rest your eyes without focusing on what’s before you.

Arms to follow. These will rest naturally down, next to your body and just rest your palms on your legs or wherever it feels most natural.

Breath. Breath. Breath. Notice the sensation of breathing and the melodic way your chest rises an falls. You don’t have to worry about completely blocking out all thought.. when you find your mind wandering, simply focus on breathing. It will realign you.  

Consistent practice will make this easier and easier to clear your mind or even just organize your thoughts more effectively.