Pre and Probiotics, the facts. When you are just wasting your money.
Health & Wellness

Pre and Probiotics, the facts. When you are just wasting your money.

Pre and Probiotics, the facts. When you are just wasting your money.

Let’s just get to the nitty gritty when it comes to this much commercialized topic. Here’s pre and probiotics, the facts.  When you are just wasting your money. Commercialized and not even complete. You are being advertised only half the story when it comes to complete gut health.

THE Two Gut Compounds: Prebiotics and Probiotics.
What the heck are they??


You have most likely been advertised for everything under the sun, bragging about having probiotics. Let’s dive in there first.

Probiotics are the good gut bacteria found in our digestive tracts. The beneficial bugs per say.

Prebiotic can be simply described as the food for your “probiotics” AKA the beneficial gut bacteria.

BOTH of which are found in the right foods.. *cough, cough, that whole food, plant based diet I’m always talking about.. Yep. You can have great gut health without all the fancy frills by just eating more fruits and veggies. Specifically fermented good for probiotics. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains for prebiotics. The most critical element to think for “food for the good gut bacteria,” those prebiotic IS FIBER!

I wish I could remember where I got this factual quote but here you go for a fiber golden nugget:

Approximately 97% of Americans get at least the recommended amount of protein. But only about 3% of Americans get the recommended 40 grams of fiber they need per day — and fiber is the most crucial ingredient for gut health.

Let’s digress for a second.. fiber. What the heck is it? Fiber is the bits of fruits and vegetables that isn’t digested. Fiber is critical to digestion. It moves food through the digestive tract, reduces cholesterol, and promotes decreased risk of chronic diseases. Seriously, have you ever heard your parents toss around the terms bulk and roughage? That’s the stuff.

Two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. For that, soluble is dissolved in water found in the digested tract and certain nutrients absorbed, blah blah blah. Great things happen for you. Insoluble, not dissolved. Pushes through the digestive tract, carries and creates waste, removes toxins… again great things happen. Fiber is (F word Friday) fantastic for you. Enough said.

Fiber feeds the good gut bacteria. Plainly, it’s indispensable to your health to consume fiber rich foods which are found abundantly in whole food, plant based nutritional lifestyles. Our microbiomes gain energy from fiber’s nutrients and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables. Suffer from diverticulitis (inflammation of the intestines,) consume MORE fiber and experience more benefits and relief.

Back to Pre and Probiotics, the facts. When you are just wasting your money because that is really what you want to know. Knowing now how to feed those good gut bacteria.. how do you now eat them and increase your microbiome population? That’s another (eff word Friday) fantastic for you.. think fermented.

Fermentation is centuries old and our ancestors certainly new how to use them. Fermentation actually adds nutrients. Fermented foods are the most overlooked and under appreciated superfoods in my opinion.

Say heck yes to kraut next time on an amazing @beyondmeat bratwurst.. okay. You caught me, I seriously love brautwurst. The ones of the vegan, plant based variety, of course. And this one is the BEST alternative. This is not a whole food, but life has to be enjoyed a little and this is one of my guilty pleasures. Do yourself a favor and try one from If kraut is too sour for you, try a little tempeh, miso (traditional Japanese bean paste), kimchi, pickles, and coconut kefir.

Fermented foods are a key component to fuel our gut health. Our microbiomes gain health and strength. It builds them up to push out all the unhealthy bacteria. This improves digestion of vitamins and minerals, synthesis of certain vitamins important to health, and optimizes our systemic wellness.

Simply adding a few items to your grocery list will enhance your pre and probiotic arsenal. No need to feel pressured to purchase expensive products. All the pre and probiotic resources can be found in your produce aisle.

Although, I am first and foremost an advocate for nutritional resources first, I do love a good komboucha from Health-Ade or a Kevita Meyer Lemon drink as a healthy alternative to carbonated beverages FULL of sugar. Sometimes, budget willing, they are a great treat.

Do you guys need some ideas on how to incorporate pre and probiotics into your meals at home? Comment down below or send me a message on your obstacles or favorite pre and probiotic foods! I love hearing from you!