Health & Wellness

Healing Herbs, Some You Already Have In Your Pantry!

Healing Herbs, Some You Already Have In Your Pantry!

Simple Healing Herbs and Uses:

Rosemary: Cough? Studies have shown it helps loosen chest congestion, making phlegm easier to expel. It also carries antiinflammatory tannins which soothe sore throat. 

Mint: Stomach cramps? Containing menthol, mint helps relax pain inducing intestinal spasms.

Oregano: Ladies.. menstrual cramps? 2 tsp oregano daily during that time will reduce and even eliminate cramps. Oregano contains thymol and cavacrol which helps to relax uterine muscles. 

Curry Powder: Achy joints? Curry Powder has curcumin which inhibits prostaglandin E2 which is an inflammatory compound that sensitizes nerves. 

Dill: GI issues? Dill’s limonene works as well as prescription antibiotics in killing harmful intestinal bacteria, including E. Coli

Parsley: Bloated? A natural diuretic, parsley helps relieve bloat inducing water retention by preventing salt to be reabsorbed into the bodily tissue.

Basil: Feeling a little blue? Eugenol and rosmarinic acid in basil boosts the brains production of dopamine and serotonin. Effects on mood enhancement have been shown to achieved in as little as three days. 

Cilantro: Sluggish and tired? The carboxylic acid in cilantro adheres to heavy metals in our blood and assists in expelling them. This removal reverses toxin build up that causes chronic fatigue, joint pain, and depression. 

Ginger: Nausea? Gingerol in ginger calms the digestive tracts and reduces nausea better than over the counter motion-sickness and anti-nausea drugs.