Health & Wellness

Super EASY Health Hacks for Work

Super EASY Health Hacks for Work

 Another great way to refresh your WORK routine: take it to your favorite local spot. I find doing this really sparks creativity. Seattle,WA.  Another great way to refresh your WORK routine: take it to your favorite local spot. I find doing this really sparks creativity. Seattle,WA. 
Make hydration happen. Do this by making benchmarks for H2O consumption. Carry a BPA free water container and figure out times that work or “mark” times during your day to meet your daily water intake requirement. 

Get moving on autopilot or at least on timer. Set a timer every 30-60 minutes that will remind you to get up and move even if its just to walk to the end of the hallway or bathroom so that you can stay limber and keep your NEAT up. Check out my previous post on what NEAT is and how it affects your waist line.

High Fives for health. Did you know that oxytocin is released with high fives AND it reduces the stress hormone cortisol. High fives are even less likely to spread germs than hand shakes.

Revive and refresh with a walk. Pop in your earbuds and go for a walk on break or on a client call. Immune and mood boosting, this will definitely enhance your day. You can even plan to park in a spot farthest from the door in order to add a few steps and even a little more pep throughout your day. 

Stretch it out. Sitting at a desk or typing on a keyboard all day can cause all sorts of posture problems, aches, pains, and strains. Simply stretching can help alleviate a lot of these.