Health & Wellness

Self Care September Day Thirteen: Unplug.

Self Care September Day Thirteen: Unplug.

With our daily lives being busy and constantly connected, do you ever just need a break? It’s okay if you do! I sure do and find myself relishing the moments when I can put the phone, device, computer away and just relax. No scrolling, no drama on the feed, no latest scandal. Just peace. 

Technology is an integral part of our lives, and I although my business has a large foundational pillar of social media.. I wouldn’t have it any other way. However, for the most balanced and optimal life.. you have to consume technology in moderation as well.   

I once read an article that cited that the AVERAGE person checks their phone upwards of 200x a day! Holy moly. 

Tech use can actually decrease productivity when over utilized. It will actually make our efficiency slower and dulled. Some studies have even shown that young adults who overuse technology have similar brain patterns to those addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Everyone can benefit from a tech detox. 

While completely going off grid isn’t possible for most people.. you have to unplug sometimes. Unplugging does not mean disconnecting from friends and family completely. Just step away from the devices for a little bit.

I like incorporating these simple ways of detaching from my devices on a daily basis. This lets me get the most out of work, productivity, creativity, relationships.. and LIFE.  

Start your day with yourself. Not your screen.

Don’t pick up your phone upon first waking. Fill your mind and body with nourishing things. Grab a healthy breakfast and do things that allow you to concentrate on you and your family. Spend some time meditating, read something, get a workout in.. all before answering a single email. You will have a more productive and relaxed day.

Create something rather than CONSUMING.

Do you ever feel like you are mindlessly scrolling and literally wasting minutes and hours of your life with your face in the screen?? Schedule social media time and set a limit to your consumption. Fill your day creating habits, things, thoughts, time spent with friends and family, and what not so that you’re adding beauty and substance to this world. Fill it so much so that there is no spare time in there.

Possibly my favorite: Pick up a book or EVEN write a book. 

Phone streams, feeds, scrolling can actually overstimulate and leave you restless and unfocused. Opt to do it old school when you find yourself in waiting. Stuck in a waiting room or on public transit?? Pick up a book. Write something anecdotal, imaginative, and get your mind moving. 

Simply put it away. 

This goes hand in hand with scheduling your mindless social media time. Schedule an evening or a few hours a day where you’re tech free. Schedule in some peace. 

Get moving. 

Try something that means you can’t be on the phone, or can only be hands-free. Get outdoors without all the selfies and documenting every minute. Really get lost making memories. Ride a bike, take a hike, go jogging, visit a trampoline park, or play some put-put. Whatever keeps your from reaching for the phone.  

Make it a group “thing.”

I love this… I have a friend of mine that we always visit our favorite coffee shop for lattes and lunch to catch up. I noticed the other day that we both put our phones away. Not on the table but actually AWAY. That time is solely spent together, catching up. I value this time so much and it speaks bounds if you and your friends respect and cherish enough to put away the phones and spend true quality time together. I love this method SO much that meals are tech free in my home. It’s the most refreshing thing. Try it. 

You probably recognize that sometimes your plugged in time impacts the quality of your life. Simply try some of the ideas above to reset and really be engaged with your life.