Health & Wellness

Ten steps to take NOW for a healthier life.

Ten steps to take NOW for a healthier life.

Eat your vitamins. It’s just not that hard. Our Standard American aka the Western diet is  lacking in nutrients so eating a colorful, balanced whole food, plant based diet will allow you to literally eat all of your vitamins! No need in wasting money on supplements. 

Whole ‘lotta whole foods. Even if you don’t want to go buy organic, you can switch from processed to whole and you will reap the benefits. Whole foods will take you a huge step in the right direction towards getting fiber and the right nutrients from food especially important is helping you decrease the amount of chemical additives and preservatives from refined and processed foods.

Say heck no to Soda.  This is really hard for people.. if you are regular soda drinker, check out my recent post on how soda is killing you. It might just make you rethink your hydration choices.  The processed sugar in a single coco-cola is about 45 grams.. Let that number sink in a minute. WHY? Your daily max that is considered acceptable for your body is 25 grams. Holy smokes, and we wonder why diabetes and obesity is so rampant. 

Exchange sugary beverages for water. OF COURSE this would be on the list and for so many good reasons.. do I need to go into that. We all know that the benefits of drinking water are real.

Try natural remedies before you grab over the counter chemicals. Even though my background is nursing AND I do believe you should always consult your Doctor in the event of emergency or existing health problems, there is a real use for natural components that REALLY work. Some of my favorites are: Natural anti-inflammatory aid like Turmeric instead of Ibuprofen, try peppermint oil for headaches, apple cider vinegar for heartburn, essential oils stress or anxiety.  The fewer chemicals your body needs to process the better.

Move some and then move some more when it comes to your body. I’m not recommending that you start olympic endurance running if that sounds horrible to you. What I am suggesting is that you find something active you will love to do. It doesn’t have to be an extreme sport or workout routine. Find something you love and do it! Go for a walk, a hike, dance around your kitchen for 30 minutes to your favorite jams.. whatever gets you moving and your heart rate up.

Be kind to yourself and don’t say things in your head you wouldn’t say to a friend. This speaks bounds. We have to love ourselves. The negative self talk and constantly putting yourself down for being “too” much of one thing, or “not enough” of another will only lead you to a defeated place. Healthy people are happy in their skin. This doesn’t mean 100% of the time but be mindful of how often you negatively criticize yourself. Try positive self building instead because I do think we all have room for improvement. This allows us to evolve and grow positively.  

Find your relax and reset buttons.  Whether is one glass of wine on a lovely Saturday afternoon or your favorite trail, find that things that makes you relaxed and allows you to reset and unwind. It doesn’t have to be crazy or elaborate. Maybe its a good soak and a good book. Have a yourself a treat and enjoy it.

Unplug. We ALL know we need to do this. Put the phone down, stop scrolling, and do something organic. Read more, write more, paint, sit and meditate. Go plant a garden.. just get your head out of your phone and realize that REAL life is happening all around you.  

Prioritize sleep. Sleep allows your body to restore and heal itself. Getting adequate sleep will allow you to be more productive, feel more energized, and be happier throughout the day. Did you catch my SLEEP posts?