Health & Wellness

Powerful Points about Protein. You need to know.

Powerful Points about Protein.

Oh the much debated topic.. here are some powerful points about

Plant Protein

Thank you Beyond meat burger. Amazing

Plant proteins are not inferior to animal protein. In fact, they provide us with all of the essential amino acids and not all the detrimental health effects. OH man.. let’s open that can of worms. Animal products are high in calories, high in fat, lack vitamins, minerals, essential fats, fiber, and phytochemical that are essential for optimal health.  

The World Health Organization recommends we get 5% of our calories from protein. The typical Western, aka Standard American Diet (SAD), gets 10-35% protein. You will be getting all of your protein requirements by meeting your caloric need with nutritious whole food, plant based options. 

A plant based diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes will allow you to meet any Iron requirement. 

All animal products contribute equally to obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and the destruction of our environment. Not to mention the animal cruelty ridden practices. Educate yourself on exactly where it comes from. That grass fed, free range mumbo jumbo requires NO definition or regulation. 

For homemade burgers, try my ultimate veggie burger!