Health & Wellness

Why and How to wash your Fruits and Veggies

Why and How to wash your Fruits and Veggies

Have you ever stopped and thought about why is on the surface of your fruits and veggies?

Nowadays.. this can be a scary thing. Between the bacteria and the pesticides, your fruits and veggies aren’t so healthy without a bath.  A thirty second water rinse will get rid of some bacteria. Some is somewhat comforting especially when I know it is organic. However, I like a more health promising plan by using a more effective anti bacterial and toxin removing wash.

Below is my super simple alternative. 

Simple Veggie Wash: 

2 tablespoon lemon juice
5 tablespoons organic Apple Cider Vinegar
1 cup filtered water  

Fill a small spray bottle and generously apply to your produce. Give another 30 second rinse. Now you are good to prep, chop, cook, or enjoy raw.

For Leafy Greens: 

Mix about 1 cups organic apple cider vinegar in about a half of your sink or large bowl (about 6 cups worth) of water. Drop your greens into the water, allow to soak for 5 minutes. Rinse well. 

Always try to buy organic when possible!