Health & Wellness

Self Care September Day Eleven: Get cozy with critters.

Self Care September Day Eleven: Get cozy with critters.

Have you ever noticed that you feel better when you’re around your pet, or even if you are around other people’s pets? Spending time with animals can have a positive impact on your mood and health. Animal sanctuaries are a great way to get closer to animals if you’re not on board with the 24/7 companion. 

Stress fighters.

Pets can be calming forces within our lives. On average pet owners stress levels are substantially lower than non pet owners. 

Connection creators.

Pets, especially dogs, can help you connect with other people… you know how this goes. Cute dog, you can’t just walk on by. This creates interpersonal interactions that would otherwise be possible without that awkward encounter. 

Meaningful mojo. 

Pets give people a sense of belonging and meaning. People with pets are happier, more trusting, and experience less loneliness than those who don’t have pets. Pets may be a big part of your day BUT for your pet, you are their WHOLE day. You are the center of their life. That is a huge, beautiful responsibility and opportunity to provide a life of love, comfort, and peace to one individual’s soul. Think about it.